Saturday, May 19, 2007

war poem 2

Your army loved massacre,
You loved war.
King of my heart!
Lord of the world!
Where are those days,
When you were so strong.

I see you now bleed
Wound of the war,
Pain springs from the oozing scar.
Now so shy…
You fear to surrender;
You give it a name
I call it care.
Arms no strong
Armors no steel…
Rust on the sword
What do they speak?
Have you won...?
Or shattered those hopes;
To change the world
With potent blows.

Some blurred images haunt my mind
Of the days which passed by.
Those were the days of war
All alone,
I said then to my self…
“I am no time or tide,
Which will return no again.
I’ll wait till you come
To color my days yet again.”

Now you cry like a hungry child,
Me a mother, feel your sigh.
Shall I pity or give you love!
(Love! that I longed?)…
This reminds me the days…
When I longed for the sound of silence;
The whispers of quietude.
When I looked through the heart of darkness;
The images of negritude.
Those unsaid resonance, those unseen images,
When surfaced their selves,
Did they then haunt you too?
Those clandestine selves
God knows who they were,
Echoed and wobbled me within.
I could see them move
The bodiless souls
Colored me and made me full.

Color! Do you call it so?
Color of blood
Flush of wound.
What are you know,
The same very powerful?
King of my heart!
Lord of the world!
Your army loved massacre,
You loved war.

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