Saturday, January 20, 2007

Waiting for Love

In one early morning, in the unsullied air,
I saw it flying with all its color.
Touching all the flowers with its wings
Kissing them on their pollen lips
Taking some seeds of life along with
To give to some other flower,
For nature to show its creation.

I felt its blaze, I smelt its fragrance
The aroma turned my spirit grow.
The Flower was as if a country lass,
Waiting for her lover to land
Who will come and embrace her
And will make life glow.

How could she repel, Those romantic glare of eyes
Which saw none but only her?
How could she keep herself away,
From the avid call of life
Which brought him closer to her?
Her life was filled, when she felt his stroke,
That warmth, that affection, that care,
She was longing for. She danced
With every stroke that his finger created
And found herself to bloom like Nature.

Was she in heaven? She thought for a moment;
What a joy to be with him.
Then she saw what I saw…
(A butterfly) Touching all the flowers with its wings
Kissing them on their pollen lips
Taking some seeds of life along with
To give to some other flower,
For nature to show its creation.

She knew then, this is love…
Akin to the flowers she was also alone till then.
Now she is complete and also the flora
’Cause they got their love, now only to see
What Nature accomplishes
And how She shows her charisma.

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